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Causes of Age Spots – Tips to Stay Looking Young

When you are young, it is easy to think that will always be so. As you get older you realise that, although our bodies are amazing and heal after damage, all the time, they need help if some of the daily-grind isn’t to start to appear before its time!

Not only that, damage from sunlight and constant drying of our skin is the biggest reason that age spots, become disfiguring. The evidence for that fact is obvious. Just think about the places where age spots are most common and look the most pronounced, and you will realise that these areas like the back of your hands and your face, are the most exposed and the most constantly dried out by soap and washing.

Dry skin is skin which is unprotected, and the sub-skin below dry skin cells are far less able to withstand damage from sunlight and general oxidation from chemicals in the environment. Keep skin moisturized at all times, and you will avoid a primary cause of age spots.

Another, and possibly the biggest cause of age spots is exposure to ultra-violet light in the sun’s rays. It is tedious at times to continually apply sunscreen lotion whenever you are about to go out in the sun, and if necessary re-applying it after a few hours of being in the sun, but the need to do this is unavoidable, and no longer disputed.

Good sunscreen creams are expensive, but even if you are incredibly lucky and are one of the very few people that have a skin which very quickly tans, you cannot escape tha fact that only neglect protecting your skin if you want to get disfiguring age-spots prematurely. Even worse, you might get skin cancer, as excessive exposure to the sun also arises the risk of contracting skin cancer.

Another cause of poor skin condition which tends to lead to age spots is a poor diet. It cannot be said too often or with too much stress that eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables is important for general skin condition and also will usually avoid premature age spot development.

So, now that we have explained the main causes of age spots, other than age of course! Let us assume that the reason that you have been reading this article is that you are suffering from age spots that are worrying you, and you would like to diminish them or get them to fade away completely.

If so, you might wish to try some low-cost anti age spot preparations, and elsewhere on this website we have described various ways to do that. (Search for “homemade” in our search box at the top of this page, for the latest ideas.)

Alternatively, you may have a serious condition if your age spots are severe or are appearing more rapidly than normal. If in any doubt, consult with your doctor, before following any recommendations you might see on this website.


If you are 50 or over, and you want to stay looking as young as possible, (and who doesn’t!) we suggest that you try using a skin cream like the basic anti- age spots cream we recommend below.

For our choice of age spot removal treatments. US readers Click Here to read more about the product which we selected, after doing research on this. UK readers Click Here.

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About the video at the top of this page:


“Skin discoloration and live spots can be caused by a large number of things depending on the situation. Find out what causes skin discoloration or liver spots with help from a naturopathic doctor in this free video clip.

Expert: Stacy Mobley
Bio: Dr. Stacy Mobley NMD, MPH is a Naturopathic Doctor who works with clients in person and virtually all over the world.
Filmmaker: William Watters

Series Description: There are many health-related issues that can be cured through the careful use of the right types of natural and home remedies. Find out how to use home and natural remedies in various health care applications with help from a naturopathic doctor in this free video series.”