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old age spots

Article thumbnail with the text: "What causes old age spots".

What Causes Old Age Spots?

So you want to know what causes old age spots? Let’s start by making sure that we are both on the same page and are speaking about the same thing. “Age spots”, also known as “sun areas” are usually brown, flat skin blemishes, normally linked with ageing and sun exposure. But, if you discover a […]

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Tackling Old Age Spots on Face Hands and Head Etc

UV exposure is the greatest between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, and sun avoidance in between these times of day amount of time is highly valued by the medical profession. Clothing, hats, and sunglasses that shade you from sun exposure need to be totally made use of if you can not […]

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Using Creams to Obscure Brown Age Spots – Bio Oil Review

Using Creams to Obscure Brown Age Spots – Bio Oil and Likely Effect Before and After Introduction Your reviewer has also recently been seeking a solution to those annoying discolorations on the surface of the skin, which are best described as brown age spots, so this review has been especially keenly done! In this review […]

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